Make 5 Quick and Easy Perfumes with Only 3 Essential Oils in Each Creation


Hello natural beauties how are you? After my last blog with poetry about flowers, I feel we need a little bit more inspiration to unlock our hearts and minds during this weird time. Here are a few perfumes you can make in a minute with just 3 essential oils and a few drops of carrier oil.


Buy my 100% natural and organic botanical perfumes, and paperback book here:

                     Digital downloads and paper backs of my book                              Revelation! Reveal your Destiny with Essentials Oils here:

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The classic Duralex glass dish is handy to make oil blends and quick perfumes in

Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first! You could use almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba, grapeseed, sunflower, and many more.

clove studded oranges


1 x drop cedarwood Atlas

1 x drop lavender

1 x drop orange

Sparkling Butterfly

1 x drop lime

1 x drop geranium

1 x nutmeg

Elemental Energy

1 x drop Siberian fir

1 x drop lemon

1 x drop amber

a fir forest in Finland borrowed from


1 x drop Australian sandalwood

1 x drop ylang ylang

1 x petitgrain

Fireside Kisses

1 x drop bergamot

1 x drop peru balsam

3 x drops rose in 3% jojoba * see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba

Rose is the Queen of oils

I hope you enjoy these easy recipes xoxo

Remember to treat yourself first, then everyone will benefit.

Essential Oils in Pregnancy and Childbirth – Standby for a Live Q and A


Hello natural beauties everywhere. I am doing a live Q & A with The Mothership International on Facebook, this Friday (November 11 2016), 10am local Sydney time. If you can’t pop in because of the time difference the video will remain on the Mothership Facebook page.


Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

Barnes & Noble      Booktopia AU      Amazon UK

and many other stores worldwide as an ebook and paperback


As I prepare for this live chat I realise I haven’t written very much on this topic so I’ll try and follow up with some recipes and articles in the next couple of months.

Go to the Facebook page here: The Mothership International

Here’s a quick look at a quick tech run I did today so I could work out what was going on. Hopefully it will be much better on the day with some real people asking questions!

I’l do my best to limit the um and ahs …….. It’s actually quite difficult speaking live without a lot of direction.


Wish me luck!

Is there anything you’d like to know about essential oils in pregnancy? Ask me on Friday or leave a question here. 

copyright 2016


Rose and Rosehip – A Winning Combination for Youthful Skin

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

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Rose and Rosehip – A Winning Combination for Youthful Skin

Stunning rosehips - pic via

Stunning rosehips – pic via

I declare the best facial moisturiser in the entire world to be essential oil of rose with rosehip oil. Some may disagree but I don’t care because I love it. And here’s why ……

Rosehip Oil

the orange colour of reosehip oil

the orange colour of rosehip oil

Rosehips are the little buds left on a rose bush after the flowers have gone. They are high in Vitamin C and are now being used in supplements for immune strength and as an anti-inflammatory agent in joint formulas too. We have been drinking delightfully pink rosehip tea for years too, which is high in anti-oxidants and can help with colds and flu. It is the fruit of the rose bush and is also used in jams and jellies.

Delicious rosehip tea - pic via

Delicious rosehip tea – pic via

The oil can be extracted by cold pressing the buds or by using CO2 extraction process. This sounds a bit technical but it is actually a good way to extract oils as not much energy is needed, and the products are very near to their natural state.

It is obvious that all these amazing properties are present in the oil which is a dark orange colour, quite viscous with a distinct scent. It is luxurious to say the least and I find it funny when I read the back of the labels of some retail products that say to use “a few drops”. I use way more than that everyday. I use a decent pump’s worth. It is hydrating. soothing, and the Vitamin C really keeps your skin looking and feeling youthful!

Sometimes the scent is what puts some people off but I use it straight and love it. This is where mixing some rose essential oil into it will turn it into a stunning serum.

Rose Essential Oil

Rosa damascena - the most used rose for oil production

Rosa damascena – the most used rose for oil production

As a skin oil rose is amazing because it treats heat and redness in the skin. It is a complex oil revered through the ages for its use in beauty and femininity. Great for any skin condition from eczema and psoriasis through to scars and sunburn.

It is called the “Queen of Oils” and will make you feel just that. It is an oil of inner strength and wisdom.

Who wouldn’t want to have it everyday? I’d take a drop of rose oil over any perfume or any scented skin cream, any day.

Quantities for mixing – assuming you have rose 3% in jojoba:

5 mls rosehip oil          add           4 drops

10 mls rosehip oil        add           7 drops

15 mls rosehip oil        add          11 drops

20 mls rosehip oil        add          15 drops

25 mls rosehip oil        add          19 drops

30 mls rosehip oil        add          22 drops

These are my own ratios for any oil in 3% jojoba for the face. It will be a higher concentration for the body. They are also rounded up and down to get a whole drop – unless you can get 1/2 a drop or 3/4’s of a drop, but I cant seem to do that very well!

See my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba

Or just pump some rosehip onto your fingers and add a few drops of rose oil. Sometimes we just need to simplify things.

create your own natural skincare

create your own natural skin care

Enjoy this skincare regime, and for extra hydration spritz your face with a rose hydrosl or floral water before you oil up. There is a difference between them so check out my article “Hydrosols vs Floral Waters – What’s the Diff?”.

Remember to treat yourself first, then everyone will benefit.

copryright SR Banks 2014



My Top 3 Oily and Easy Skincare Tips!

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

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My Top 3 Oily and Easy Skincare Tips!



sneakily borrowed from

oilve & oil – sneakily borrowed from

1. The Best Makeup Remover in the World

Oil. Olive oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, camelia oil, safflower oil, macadamia oil. You get the picture. Any medium or heavy oil will do the job perfectly. Nothing takes off waterproof mascara like good ol’ cold pressed oil. My system is to wet a makeup remover pad with some water, add a squirt of oil, remove makeup. Clean face with warm, wet washcloth. The end.

sneakily borrowed from

rosehips – sneakily borrowed from

2. The Best Face Moisturiser in the World

Rosehip oil. You can also try borage oil and apricot oil but I find rosehip is the best. It is dark and slightly scented, but once you start using it it’s hard to give up. I rarely even make creams for my face anymore because rosehip oil is so good. I put makeup on straight away after moisturising with rosehip and don’t encounter any problems. Rosehips are high in Vitamin C and also have anti-inflammatory properties. Rosehip extracts are now being used in herbal medicine for both the above properties – in joint formulas as well as immune stimulating formulas. It works best if you smooth the oil on a damp face, this also helps trap some extra moisture in too. I use a floral water in a mist bottle to make the process even more stunning.

You can definitely add essential oils to your rosehip and the best for the face are:






Refer to my blog for the correct quantities to use –

articles “Ratios for Blending Essential Oils – A Reminder of the Basics” and “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”

This lists essential oil ratios for making a body oil – for the face use half the quantity. For example if you use 1 teaspoon of oil for your body add 3 drops of essential oil. For the face use 1 drop of essential oil.

jojoba - it look a lot like an olive doesn't it?

jojoba – it looks a lot like an olive doesn’t it?

3. The Best Body Moisturiser in the World

Oil. Jojoba oil, almond oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, camelia oil, sunflower oil ……….

Add a few drops of essential oil and you have a natural, preservative free, paraben free, beautifully scented, quick aromatherapy treatment.

Use any essential oils for the body but it’s best to stay away from the following in large quantities

All the spice oils – use them but be conservative



and any other strongly scented oil you can think of. Refer to my article Aromatherapy It’s Easy As 1 2 3 for the correct quantities to use.

Go for it. Using cold pressed oils is a start to simplifying your life by cutting out chemicals and toxic ingredients in personal care products. It does take a bit longer but if you value yourself and the world around you, it’s easy to make the effort.

Look after yourself first. Treat yourself first and everyone will benefit.

copryright SR Banks

Argan Oil – “Liquid Gold”

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

Amazon USA      Amazon AU      Amazon UK

Argan Oil – “Liquid Gold”

The argan fruit - pic via

The argan fruit – pic via  Johnny Greig

Argan oil has become increasingly popular in the west in the past few years. The tree is native to south-western Morocco where it happily exits in drought conditions and is perfect for semi-arid soil. The native tree, Argania spinosa also helps prevent soil erosion and even provides the perfect resting spot for goats. In 2007 UNESCO added this wonderful tree to the endangered species act, but since then Morocco has planted many more argan trees to cope with demand. A body was established in 2002 specifically to regenerate the “Arganerie”, which refers to the native populations of trees in Morocco. At this stage I can’t seem to find if the UNESCO ruling has been altered, but the positive effects of new plantations of argan trees has already been felt, especially in regards to employing women.


These tree dwelling goats love the argan tree

These tree-dwelling goats love the argan tree


The oil comes from the kernels in the fruit which are split open by hand, mainly by local women. It is labour intensive which is one of the reasons the oil is more expensive than other oils such sunflower, grapeseed and almond, for example.

Sometimes referred to as liquid gold, the oil is high in oleic acid, similar to olive oil. The kernels are roasted if the oil is intended for culinary use (again, in similar ways to oilve oil in the Mediterranean region), but is left natural when the oil is to be sold for cosmetic uses.

Argan oil is used in many hair care products  - pic via

Argan oil is used in many hair care products – pic via

Argan oil has really made an impact in hair care, but as with any cold pressed oil, it’s great for skincare too. I recently watched a YouTube instructional video by Aromatherapist Danielle Ryman. She makes her facial serum with almost all argan oil, only a few drops of rosehip oil and of course some essential oils. I also have a locally made face serum that contains, but is not limited to, argan oil. I haven’t used this oil straight on my face like I would with rosehip oil – but now I really want to!

You can almost see the oil in the flesh inside the kernel - pic via

You can almost see the oil in the flesh inside the kernel

We must ensure that our demand helps build Morocco and not rape it of its natural resources. Maybe we are so desperate for new things, driven by our consumer attitudes, that we are always looking for the next best thing. Argan oil seems to fit the bill perfectly and various websites claims many properties. We must not forget that many carrier oils do the same thing, so as long as it’s sustainable, embrace this wonderful oil and try it in your new formulas. You could use this oil for –

* warm oil hair masks

* warm oil facial treatments

* face and body oil blends

* cuticle and nail treatments

and just about anything else you can think of.

Happy blending and remember to use your intention when you are creating your formulas. See my article about intention.

copyright suzanne

Can Essential Oils be used Undiluted on Your Skin?

A drop of oil can be essential

A drop of oil can be essential

This question is one of the most commonly asked questions in regards to essential oils and essential oil safety.

I studied in Australia and although I don’t know exactly what other education institutions teach, I’m positive there is a general feeling about this subject.

Short Answer: NO

Do not use essential oils directly on your skin as a general rule.


Essential oils are concentrated volatile substances extracted from plants. A couple of important actions in some essential oils are classed as:


If you apply one of these oils  to your skin and go outside, the oil can cause a skin reaction when the suns hits you. It can be really bad, or mild, or you may not get a reaction at all. Oils to watch out for are bergamot and all the citrus oils.


Many oils can be classed as sensitising, meaning if you use to much, or in a strong dilution it may cause a skin reaction. Oils to watch out for are black pepper, cinnamon, clove, wintergreen, maybe oregano and thyme, and other oils which you wouldn’t be able to buy retail.


According to Essential Therapeutics “irritation” may occur with many different oils in very strong dilutions. However, most essential oils contain different molecules that could potentially cause irritations on the skin, but are not classified as toxic. It really depends on each person and how sensitive you are generally.

The most important thing is not to drink essential oils – this will cause poisoning and potentially harmful long term effects.

Use your common sense and dilute essential oils in the ratios listed in my articles “Ratios for Blending Essential Oils – A Reminder of the Basics” and  “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”.

skin reaction to Peru Balsam pic via

skin reaction to Peru Balsam pic via

If you are a very sensitive person then always patch test before using essential oils all over your skin – even if it is in the correct dilution.

I’m not going to say I don’t use essential oils directly on my skin, but I’m not going to say I do. I have 20 years of experience using essential oils with clients and various scenting projects so I feel confident about what I can do on my skin.

Anoint yourself with pure essential oils

Anoint yourself with pure essential oils diluted with a carrier oil

What about anointing with essential oils?

Once again the general rule is not to use essential oils directly on your skin. I recommend diluting with a carrier oil and then anointing.

What about perfume straight from the bottle?

Same as above. if you want a stronger effect, try putting a couple of drops of oil on a makeup pad in your bra or even your handbag.

PATCH TEST FIRST – especially if you are a person who is very sensitive! Just because essential oils are natural does not mean they are always safe.

Don’t use essential oils in strong dilutions, or neat on kids either. if a reaction does occur the only way to get the oils off the skin is with a carrier oil like olive or almond. Smooth it all over the area, wipe off and seek medical advice if necessary. See my article ‘“Aunty, something is biting my legs” – 10 things NOT to do when using Essential Oils” for more info on the general rules of using essential oils.

You are the expert on you

You are the expert on you

You are the expert on you, so use common sense, the information that is available to you and patch test first.

Enjoy the beautiful scents of nature and allow miracles through scent!

Sunflower Oil – My “Go-To” Carrier Oil

The incredible sunflower

The incredible sunflower –

Sunflower – Helianthus annuus

I love this flower and I love this oil!

Just to clarify, sunflower oil is NOT an essential oil, but a cold pressed oil we call a “carrier oil’ in aromatherapy – as it carries the essential oils in an oil blend for the body or face.

Lets start by looking at the flower.

* It’s a beautiful yellow colour – the colour of the sun.

* It’s shape could almost be considered like to sun too.

* It contains within the flower head, a fundamental pattern of nature called the GOLDEN RATIO or PHI RATIO.

A sunflower is a representation of the golden ratio

A sunflower is a representation of the golden ratio

The Golden Ratio is a bit exciting as it exists all throughout nature and the cosmos. I can’t help but be drawn into the flower and into the secrets of life. Among many names the golden ratio is also called the divine ratio, and it has been used by artists, scientist and architects as an expression of perfection – as a mirror of our universe.

The golden ratio is approximately equal to 1.618. Basically the head of the sunflower contains many smaller flower heads. As each cell or floret is created, the next floret is made after turning on an angle. The entire pattern is then formed and it mesmerising!

The golden ratio

The golden ratio

Brilliant isnt it?

So the sunflower is a little piece of the cosmos! And it they seem to have such great personality. Have you ever driven through France and seen fields of sunflowers? They have so much gorgeous energy.

They also follow the sun to absorb as much energy as possible. ‘Heliotropism’ is the sunflowers ability to track the sun’s movements… slowly moving the face of it’s flower toward the sun to receive the full impact of the sun’s rays. The leaves of the sunflower also track the sun turning slowly through the day to keep their broad surface to face the rays.

Fields in France

Fields in France – lavender and sunflowers

And now the oil.

High in omega-6 and omega-9, vitamins A, D, E, it also contains a high amount of vitamin E too. So basically it’s good to eat and it’s great as an emollient and skin moistuirser.

I use sunflower oil in all my treatments as it has a light to medium consistency with little scent. You can buy refined or filtered sunflower oil which is quite pale and has little or no scent. Pure sunflower oil is much richer and deeper in colour – an orangey/yellow – and has a mild scent. Therapeutically, unrefined sunflower oil will contain more vitamins and active ingredients but you may prefer a less scented version.

sunflower oil

sunflower oil

This a great oil to use on the body and the face. You can also use sunflower oil as a hair moisturiser.

Add your essential oils to this happy, sunny carrier oil to create a beautiful, soft skin treatment.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013