The Hanged Man – A Tarot Card Reading with Essential Oils

The Hanged Man - XVII from The Rider-Waite deck

The Hanged Man – XII from The Rider-Waite deck

The Hanged Man – don’t be afraid it’s ok! This card is not about hanging yourself – just look at it a little closer. He seems to be quite ok. He is hanging upside down but is doing so rather languidly. His free leg is bent with his hands behind his back and although we can’t see if his hands are tied, at closer inspection he doesn’t appear to be in any pain or suffering.

When I was learning the tarot I remember my teacher saying he could be hanging around waiting for something interesting to happen. Is that you? Are you just pacing yourself?   This card could indicate that it is best to wait for a while for the solution to appear, rather than to force a solution on an issue or a problem.

just waiting.......

just waiting…….

Are you stuck and stagnating, or wasting time? Maybe you are too scared to create your life but know deep inside it’s the right thing to do. It could be a time to release these old patterns and fears that are holding you back.

Our man has a halo around his head indicating he is in touch with his spirituality and this card may come to you in a reading if it is time to take the high road, let go of your ego and do what is best for the good of all concerned. So it seems he is hanging here by choice, he is giving up his freewill for the moment. Perhaps it is a time of allowing yourself to open your higher chakras to spiritual growth?

be peaceful, surrender to your spirit

be peaceful, surrender to your spirit

This is not a card that requires action. This is a card of allowing.

Allow yourself to be, rather than to do. Reflect and wait.

create your own natural skincare

essential oils can support you on your journey

So which essential oils and blends could represent The Hanged Man and what he is trying to tell you?

Try these recipes –

1. Scent Your Space

In a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil.


Time to take a moment for yourself –

Frankincense    10 drops

Vetiver                 1 drop

Lavender           7 drops

Lime                  7 drops


“I am Willing to Change”

To summon the courage to change your circumstances –

Petitgrain           12 drops

Cinnamon           8 drops

Rosewood          5 drops


2. Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first!


“A Higher Purpose”

Change your focus from ego to spirit –

Sandalwood Australian   1 drop

Mandarin                        1 drop

Palmarosa                      1 drop


“Hanging Around”

Be willing to wait –

Marjoram                       1 drop

Roman Chamomile 3%  3 drops   * see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba

Myrrh                             1 drop


Happy blending and remember to use your intention when you are creating your formulas.
See my article about intention.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Ease Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats with Essential Oils

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

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Ease Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats with Essential Oils


Colds and flu come with winter (pic via

Colds and flu come with winter (pic via

Ah yes the dreaded lurgy has got me.

First – not feeling so great.

Then – a congested throat.

Then – a sore throat and headache.

Then – can’t move a muscle lying in bed.

Then – coughing and a couple more days in bed.

I confess I used some cold and flu tablets to ease the symptoms one day, but it’s the use of essential oils that can make you feel a bit better too.

My top 4 are Lavender, Marjoram, Fennel, and Eucalyptus

Try these simple and effective ways to help with the symptoms of a cold.


lovely lavender

lovely lavender

By now you’ll know I use Lavender for lots of things and we all know through the traditional uses for lavender over the centuries are those for soothing and relieving pain.

1. A few drops on a cold compress on the forehead can give some relief for general sickness and of course a headache and head tension due to coughing.

compress on forehead - easy and effective

compress on forehead – easy and effective

2. A couple of drops in a steam inhalation for a sore throat (breathe through your mouth) and headaches.

steam inhalation

steam inhalation

3. A few drops in a bath to relieve muscle tension.

4. A drop on the temples to bring a sense of relief.

5. Nourishing oil blend for aches and pains in the body – 7 drops in 3 teaspoons of a carrier oil like olive, almond or sunflower.

6. A couple of drops externally on the throat to help with symptoms of a sore throat and sore muscle from coughing.

****** Always remember to smell the oils too, as this will help the brain receive information from the oil and translate it into action.



Marjoram - another great herb from the same family as lavender

Marjoram – another great herb from the same family as lavender

Marjoram is also an age-old remedy for many ailments. It’s particularly good for muscle pain and easing a cough.

1. A couple of drops in a steam inhalation for a cough (breathe through your mouth). This will not stop the cough if your lungs are infected as the cough’s purpose will be to rid the lungs of mucous. This works better for a dry cough and ticklish throat.

2. A few drops in a bath to relieve muscle tension.

3. Nourishing oil blend for aches and pains in the body – 7 drops in 3 teaspoons of a carrier oil like olive, almond or sunflower.

4. 4 drops marjoram and 3 drops lavender in 3 teaspoons of carrier oil specifically to use externally on your throat as a pain reliever.

Mix lavender and marjoram for a synergistic formula to help with aches and pains either in a bath or oil blend. They work well together for coughs too.

****** Always remember to smell the oils too, as this will help the brain receive information from the oil and translate it into action.



fennel flower

fennel flower

I recently wrote about fennel as it’s a great oil for winter. It’s warming and soothing and helps nurture you in the cold.

Fennel works best as a decongestant for the lungs so if you have a weird taste in your mouth when you cough, chances are sometime soon you may be coughing up green stuff. Fennel is the oil to get it moving and also works well with marjoram and lavender.

1. A couple of drops in a steam inhalation for a congested chest (breathe through your mouth).

2. A couple of drops externally on the throat to help with symptoms of a cough and to move the mucous.

3. Nourishing oil blend for aches and pains in the body – 7 drops in 3 teaspoons of a carrier oil like olive, almond or sunflower. Mix fennel with lavender in this case to help your chest – 4 drops of fennel and 3 drops of lavender.

****** Always remember to smell the oils too, as this will help the brain receive information from the oil and translate it into action.



eucalyptus globulus

eucalyptus globulus

THE oil for breaking down mucous!

1. A couple of drops in a steam inhalation for a congested chest (breathe through your mouth) and congested sinuses (breathe through your nose).

steam inhalation

steam inhalation

2. As a treatment for you in your space – simply add about 15 drops to a large bowl of boiling water (like you would with a steam inhalation) and bring it into your bedroom while you rest in bed. Or in the lounge room while you’re on the couch. This is an easy one if you are by yourself as it doesn’t take too much effort.

You can use all the oils above in this way and of course put them in a vapouriser – eucalyptus oil working particularly well as a decongestant. Plus it’s refreshing and you can almost feel it doing you good. Some bush healing never goes astray.

I could talk about other oils too but if in doubt, or if you only have one oil, use lavender.

absolutely stunning lavender fields via

absolutely stunning lavender fields via

REST and lots of fluids too will help move the infection through your body and check out these articles for blending ratios too –  “Ratios for Blending Essential Oils – A Reminder of the Basics” and “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”.


copyright suzannerbanks 2013

The Star – A Tarot Card Reading with Essential oils

The Star #17 Rider-Waite deck

The Star – XVII from the Rider-Waite deck

This card is so pretty and is appealing when it pops out in a card reading. It would be hard not feel relieved and excited when The Star comes to you. Our lovely maiden is out there in the night, naked and bathed in starlight. On a very basic level you could interpret this card as indicating that you are “the star” of your life.

Perhaps you’ve overcome bad times and now you are feeling supported by the universe. Or maybe you are in a process of renewal and have a new perspective on the true meaning of your dharma and destiny. There is lots of love and hope in this card and it is soft and gentle. You are now connected to your emotions and are in the flow of life. You are a part of all the elements of nature and give back to the world with your love and kindness.

The wonderful flow of nature (

The wonderful flow of nature (

This card could also represent your desire to cleanse and detox your life, not only from within your body, but all your thoughts and surroundings too.

Maybe it’s time to let go of situations that no longer serve your greater purpose. You may have more confidence and self-esteem than before and you have gained this through your spiritual journey. You are open to receiving the wisdom of the universe because all your chakras and channels are clear.

It’s time to shine and let the world know you are here!

shine like a star

shine like a star

What essential oils could reflect the energy of the star and also bring that energy into your life?

Try these recipes:

1. Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first!

“I Am The Star of My Own Life”

To help you remember who you really are –

Sandalwood Indian    1 drop

May Chang                1 drop

Spearmint                  1 drop


“The Universe is Within Me”

To move from ego to spirit –

Cypress        2 drops

Cardamom   2 drop


“I’m Naked”

Allow your heart to be open to everything –

Fennel          1 drop

Nutmeg        1 drop

Rose 3%      3 drops    * see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba


Scent your space

Scent your space

2. Scent Your Space

In a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil

“Oh Happy Day”

Rejoice in the wonders of life –

Geranium         8 drops

Mandarin         8 drops

Patchouli         4 drops

Lavender         5 drops


“Purpose in Life”

To keep you on the path –

Black Pepper   7 drops

Cinnamon        8 drops

Orange           10 drops



For a warm, happy atmosphere and to inspire great self-esteem in your guests –

Lime               10 drops

Ylang Ylang     8 drops

Peru Balsam    6 drops


Happy mixing and remember to use your intention when you are blending.
See my article about intention.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Fennel Oil – Licorice Love

Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel is a great oil and the plant itself has many medicinal uses. Back through history there are many references to the plant as being useful for improving eyesight, aiding digestion and also calming hunger, improving the flow of breast milk, helping to breakdown uric acid in the body and stimulating fluid loss through urinating.

Poets and herbalists have praised this wonderful plant, as did the Romans and the Greeks.

In “Paradise Lost” (a poem first published in ten books in 1667) Milton the English poet, refers the aroma of fennel:

A savoury odour blown,

Grateful to appetite, more pleased my sense

Than smell of sweetest Fennel.

A 17th Century herbalist, William Cole, notes in his 1650 book “Nature’s Paradise”:

‘both the seeds, leaves and root of our Garden Fennel are much used in drinks and broths for those that are grown fat, to abate their unwieldiness and cause them to grow more gaunt and lank.’

Illustration of a Roman army

Illustration of a Roman army

It’s interesting that both these English references are around the same time which indicates that fennel was well used in the 17th century in England. But before that there are tales of Roman soldiers chewing on fennel seeds on the march when there was no time for resting, or perhaps not much food available. They also regarded it as a medicine to improve eyesight.

It is claimed that the Greeks used fennel as a slimming agent and it even appears in their mythology with Prometheus using a stalk of fennel to steal fire from the Gods.
In India you may often find these delicious little treats to aid digestion – sugar-coated fennel seeds.
sugar coated fennel seeds

sugar coated fennel seeds

Today in aromatherapy we use the essential oil of fennel which is steam distilled from the seeds in much the same way as our predecessors did. Fennel oil is used for:
* stimulating regularity of menses
* helping digestion
* acting as a diuretic for fluid retention and bloating
* stimulating flow of mother’s milk
* relieving coughs by breaking down mucous and by acting as an expectorant
fennel flower

fennel flower

I use fennel oil for all these things and also for nurturing. It is a soft, rounded sweet oil and it blends well with many others. I call it “licorice love” which describes its energetic action of softness, of self-care and sweetness.
Try these recipes:
1. Scent Your SpaceIn a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil

“Be Kind”

Fennel        10 drops

Orange       10 drops

Geranium     5 drops


“Finally A Moment to Myself!”

Fennel        6 drops

Juniper      10 drops

Lavender    6 drops

Patchouli    3 drops


nourish your skin with oil blends

nourish your skin with oil blends

2. Nourishing Body Oil Blend

For a coat of your body use 3 teaspoons of carrier oil in a little dish and, add 7 – 8 drops of essential oil.

***** Always put the drops of essential oil into the bottle or dish first, then add the carrier oil. It gives the scents time to create a synergistic fusion.

For a 50ml bottle of oil add 25 drops and see my article “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”

“Oh The Pain”

to help relieve menstrual pain –

Fennel          3 drops

Peppermint  2 drops

Lavender      3 drops


“The Silence of Licorice”

To soften your tension and nerves –

Fennel                            2 drops

Bergamot                       3 drops

Roman Chamomile 3%  9 drops *

* see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba


Happy mixing and remember to use your intention when you are blending.
See my article about intention.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

The Tower – A Tarot Card Reading with Essential oils

The Tower XV1 from the Rider-Waite tarot deck

The Tower – XVI – from the Rider-Waite tarot deck

OOOOOOO The Tower card. It usually freaks everyone out when they see it. However saying that, if someone is having a tarot reading and this card pops up, they are probably in the throws of the tower energy, just experienced it, or can feel it looming.

So what is it about?

As you can see by the picture, people are leaping from a burning tower, screaming, plunging to their death. Lightening and flames surround and break down the tower. The structure will crumble and die, along with the inhabitants. Oh dear.

When I was learning tarot, something about this card stayed with me. The fact that this seems to be happening as an “act of God” via lightening, is an illusion. It is actually something that you have probably created yourself, but are unaware of the fact. For example: feeling that you hate your job and really need a change but don’t do anything about it. You think these thoughts over and over again but don’t take any steps to change. Then “all of a sudden” you are fired and completely freak out as your regular job and wage – your stability – is ripped out beneath you plunging you into change and fear! The same could be said of any situation like a relationship breakdown, sudden illness or death.

It's ok if you are freaking out - grab a bottle of essential oil

Don’t fear “The Tower” – just use some essential oils!

The Tower represents dismantling of your current circumstances whether you like it or not. And we all know that when something crumbles, we learn how to survive and create new ways of approaching life. We may be awakened, when prior the the event we were blissfully unaware. The universe is demanding that we evolve. Our subconscious is doing the same. It’s our ego that doesn’t like it!

The Tower forces us to confront situations, thoughts and emotions that do not serve us, but that we hold onto as a security blanket. You may be being asked to let go of outdated structures in your life so you can spiritually evolve.

we are one

Embrace change

So what essential oils and essential oil blends could represent this card, and it’s meanings for you in your day? Try these recipes –

1. Nourishing Body Oil Blend

For a coat of your body use 3 teaspoons of carrier oil in a little dish and, add 7 – 8 drops of essential oil.

***** Always put the drops of essential oil into the bottle or dish first, then add the carrier oil. It gives the scents time to create a synergistic fusion.

For a 50ml bottle of oil add 25 drops and see my article “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”


To de-stress –

German Chamomile 3%   9 drops *see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba

Melissa 3%                      9 drops *see my article for more info on 3% blends in jojoba


“Get it Together”

Help your major anxiety –

Vetiver          1 drop

Bergamot     5 drops

Lavender      2 drops


Anoint yourself with pure essential oils

Anoint yourself with pure essential oils – but test first!

2. Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first!

“Angels Please Help Me”

Help your heartbreak –

Rose 3%          as many drops as you need


“Guides Give Me Strength”

Open your crown chakra to receive help and guidance –

Petitgrain       2 drops

Basil              1 drop


essential oil diffuser

essential oil diffuser

3. Scent Your Space

In a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil

“I’ve Got the Power”

Be your own cheerleader in hard times –

Juniper            10 drops

Sandalwood      5 drops

Mandarin         10 drops


“Peaceful Sleep”

Try and get a good night’s sleep to restore your energy –

Rosewood    8 drops

Lavender       8 drops

Marjoram      8 drops

Vetiver           1 drop


Happy mixing and remember to use your intention when you are blending.
(See my article about intention)

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Perfumery and Aromatherapy – How Do They Relate?

Gorgeous perfume bottles

Gorgeous perfume bottles

Once, a long, long time ago, in a land far, far away these two things were the same. That is, the raw ingredients used for scenting were all natural and were the same things used for healing and well-being. Mother earth provided plants, herbs and flowers to be used by really smart people to create medicines, scents and incense for rituals.

Tapputi-Belatekallim, according to Wikipedia –

“is considered to be the world’s first chemist, a perfume-maker mentioned in a cuneiform tablet from the second millennium BC in Babylonian Mesopotamia.  She used flowers, oil, and calamus along with cyperus, myrrh, and balsam. She added water then distilled and filtered several times. This is also the oldest referenced still.”

This image appears in relation to Taputi - you can see references to a still

This image appears in relation to Taputi – you can see references to a still

Awesome! The oldest reference to pharmacy is credited to a woman. Of course! Recently ancient perfumes have been discovered in Cyprus that have been carbon dated back 4000 years. In these samples scientists found botanicals such as herbs and spices, bergamot, almond and conifer resins. That’s interesting, and for further reading on these resins see my article “Amber – A Complicated Story”.

The old almond - it's still around so it must be good

The old almond – it’s still around so it must be good

So anyway you get the drift. Perfume and medicine originally came from natural sources.

Now jump to 2013 where large pharmaceutical companies run the world. Companies like Monsanto and others create toxic chemicals daily that find their way into our food sources, water and the air we breathe. We have lost touch with the planet and as technology increases faster then the evolution of our souls, we have stuffed up the balance of our little place in the giant cosmos.

Modern perfumery began around the beginning of the 19th century when technology allowed chemists to synthesize aromatic compounds. The rest is history. Click on this link to discover (as an example) the toxicity of Calvin Klein Eternity for Women. This website,  Environmental Workers Group/Skin Deep  is a great database you can use to check out the ingredients of lots of skincare and fragrance items. To be fair essential oils also appear in this database but are mostly listed as safe.

absolutely stunning lavender fields via

absolutely stunning lavender fields via

Perfumes may also contains parts of essential oils that have been synthesized, like limonene, and many other constituents of oils. But with essential oils, we are using the whole oil, not fractions of it. Granted essential oils are a specific part of the plant that has been distilled rather than the whole plant, but we are on the right track when we are asking nature to support our growth. We in turn must support the planet and live in harmony with the earth.

Essential oils have an energetic resonance. They contain fundamental patterns of nature.

Perfume is created in a lab. It does not contain any part of nature.

64 tetrahedron grid - a building block of the universe

64 tetrahedron grid – a building block of the universe

Essential oils have information embedded within the molecules. We can use this information for healing.

Perfume is fragrance, nothing more.

The choice is yours. Always.

Perhaps you can ask yourself how you can you can support the movement back to nature. Thank you.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Strength – A Tarot Card Reading with Essential Oils

Strength - a Major Arcana Card #7

Strength – VIII – from the Rider-Waite tarot deck

I’ve always loved this card.

As a learner many years ago I was scared of the lion until we ventured further into the meaning of the card. Our lady is “taming the lion” with her soft yet powerful feminine energy. She is also gaining strength from the lion too. They make a great pair and the lion is very happy to be at her side. She is not using physical, external strength, but an inner compassion and knowing. The lady and the lion are spiritually connected and honour each other.

Infinity - also called the Holy Lemniscate

Infinity – also called the Lemniscate

Our lovely young maiden also has the infinity symbol over her head, indicating she is connected to the flow of life. Her awareness of the never-ending circle of existence gives her even more strength to connect with everything around her and appreciate the beauty of life.

The card may also indicate it is a time for you to look within and gain your own personal strength from the knowledge of the universe rather than pressing forward with your intellect. You will attain more by using subtlety than by outer force.

? sneakily borrowed from

? (sneakily borrowed from

So what essential oils and essential oil blends could represent this card, and it’s meanings for you in your day? Try these recipes –

1. Nourishing Body Oil Blend

For a coat of your body use 3 teaspoons of carrier oil in a little dish and, add 7 – 8 drops of essential oil.

***** Always put the drops of essential oil into the bottle or dish first, then add the carrier oil. It gives the scents time to create a synergistic fusion.

For a 50ml bottle of oil add 25 drops and see my article “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”

“Subtle and Sweet”

To align with your inner sweetness –

Peru Balsam        4 drops

Palmarosa           2 drops

Rose Geranium   2 drops



Open your crown chakra to allow the flow of knowledge from the universe –

Clary Sage       2 drops

Petitgrain         4 drops

Lavender         2 drops


Anoint yourself with pure essential oils

Anoint yourself with pure essential oils – but test first!

2. Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first!


Be brave – you can do it –

Black pepper   1 drop

Cardamom      1 drop

Orange            1 drop


“Feminine Wiles”

Get what you want without anyone even realising it –

Ylang Ylang   2 drops

Nutmeg         1 drop




3. Scent Your Space

In a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil

“All is Well”

To emit calm and purpose in your environment –

Marjoram     8 drops

Lemon        12 drops

Geranium     5 drops


“I’ve Got the Power”

Remind yourself you are the creator of your own life –

Fennel          6 drops

Cinnamon   10 drops

Rosewood    9 drops


Happy mixing and remember to use your intention when you are blending.
(See my article about intention)

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Sunflower Oil – My “Go-To” Carrier Oil

The incredible sunflower

The incredible sunflower –

Sunflower – Helianthus annuus

I love this flower and I love this oil!

Just to clarify, sunflower oil is NOT an essential oil, but a cold pressed oil we call a “carrier oil’ in aromatherapy – as it carries the essential oils in an oil blend for the body or face.

Lets start by looking at the flower.

* It’s a beautiful yellow colour – the colour of the sun.

* It’s shape could almost be considered like to sun too.

* It contains within the flower head, a fundamental pattern of nature called the GOLDEN RATIO or PHI RATIO.

A sunflower is a representation of the golden ratio

A sunflower is a representation of the golden ratio

The Golden Ratio is a bit exciting as it exists all throughout nature and the cosmos. I can’t help but be drawn into the flower and into the secrets of life. Among many names the golden ratio is also called the divine ratio, and it has been used by artists, scientist and architects as an expression of perfection – as a mirror of our universe.

The golden ratio is approximately equal to 1.618. Basically the head of the sunflower contains many smaller flower heads. As each cell or floret is created, the next floret is made after turning on an angle. The entire pattern is then formed and it mesmerising!

The golden ratio

The golden ratio

Brilliant isnt it?

So the sunflower is a little piece of the cosmos! And it they seem to have such great personality. Have you ever driven through France and seen fields of sunflowers? They have so much gorgeous energy.

They also follow the sun to absorb as much energy as possible. ‘Heliotropism’ is the sunflowers ability to track the sun’s movements… slowly moving the face of it’s flower toward the sun to receive the full impact of the sun’s rays. The leaves of the sunflower also track the sun turning slowly through the day to keep their broad surface to face the rays.

Fields in France

Fields in France – lavender and sunflowers

And now the oil.

High in omega-6 and omega-9, vitamins A, D, E, it also contains a high amount of vitamin E too. So basically it’s good to eat and it’s great as an emollient and skin moistuirser.

I use sunflower oil in all my treatments as it has a light to medium consistency with little scent. You can buy refined or filtered sunflower oil which is quite pale and has little or no scent. Pure sunflower oil is much richer and deeper in colour – an orangey/yellow – and has a mild scent. Therapeutically, unrefined sunflower oil will contain more vitamins and active ingredients but you may prefer a less scented version.

sunflower oil

sunflower oil

This a great oil to use on the body and the face. You can also use sunflower oil as a hair moisturiser.

Add your essential oils to this happy, sunny carrier oil to create a beautiful, soft skin treatment.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Fragrant Oils vs Essential Oils – What’s the Diff?

bubblegum scent can come in a fragrant oil but not an essential oil

bubblegum scent can come in a fragrant oil but not an essential oil

Oils ain’t oils!

Fragrant oils are completely synthetic and are made in a lab.

They do not come from any real plant.

They are not distilled from anything natural.

They do not have any therapeutic benefit on the body but they may trigger memories and emotions like any scent can do.

They shouldn’t really be used in massage and in skincare. (NB. All perfume is synthetic and any skincare that mentions “fragrance” or “parfum” probably has synthetic scent. Essential oils can be listed as “parfum” too so companies can protect their recipes).

They should be labelled “Fragrant Oil” or “Fragrance”.

They do not have any life force or energy.

You can find the scent of popcorn in a fragrant oil.

You can find the scent of popcorn in a fragrant oil.

Fragrant oils that you may find – and that you think could be essential oils are not –






and there are loads more.

flowering rosemary

flowering rosemary – a real essential oil

Essential oils come from a natural plant source and are distilled with water and steam (mostly). They have therapeutic benefits and can be used on the body in massage and skincare.

They emit energy or vibration, and this is an added benefit when used in the healing modalities.

They are part of our history, and along with the actual plant materials, were the original medicines thousands of years ago.

They effect the body and the brain (which in turn effects the body) and can produce positive feelings and trigger emotional responses. (NB. All kinds of scent can trigger these responses).

Essential oils are beautiful to smell and have a “roundness” and “warmth”, unlike fragrant oils which seem to me to be “thin” and “cold” (like perfume).

They have been written and talked about for many years because of their amazing power!

The spidery, seductive Ylang Ylang flower

The spidery, seductive Ylang Ylang flower is a real essential oil

I love essential oils.

I dislike fragrant oils and perfume.

I’m biased.

You are free to use whatever you like, however if you are practicing being more mindful in your daily life perhaps reconsider buying a Fig and Green Tea scented candle (probably using parafin wax), and buy a natural beeswax candle which has a natural, mild honey-like scent, and vapourise REAL essential oils.

You WILL notice the difference. You will be inspired, and connected to the earth and natural medicine.

pink grapefruit

pink grapefruit – it is a real essential oil

copyright suzannerbanks 2013

Nutmeg – A Spice Oil of Mysticism and Intrigue!

Nutmeg - Myristica fragrans

Nutmeg – Myristica fragrans

Just look at this gorgeous pod of deliciousness!

The red, almost brain-like cover is what mace is made from. The nutmeg we know and love, and use in cooking is hidden underneath. Isn’t nature wonderful? The colours are divine and the nutmeg seed is protected by layers of cellular material. This seed is part of the whole pod which is actually the fruit of this evergreen tree.

The nutmeg tree

The nutmeg tree

Like many spices and spice oils, nutmeg has a rich history spanning, in the very least hundreds of years, and probably even more. Originating from the Banda Islands, north of Timor and west of Papua New Guinea, the trade of this wonderful spice is traced as far back as the middle ages in Europe. You can imagine how long before this the islanders would have used this amazing plant.

In the 1600’s the Dutch East India Company ruled the spice trade and the beautiful islands. They staged a nasty takeover of the islands to absolutely rule and control the supply of nutmeg to the world. When the Brits took over they transplanted many of these nutmeg trees to other islands under British rule and because of this Grenada actually produces 20% of the world’s nutmeg supply. They even have an illustration of the nutmeg on their flag.

The flag of Grenada

The flag of Grenada

Our modern history is quite brutal really. Thank goodness we are now in a time of rapid evolution – the best time to employ essential oils to get us all to the next level of peace and harmony.

The essential oil of nutmeg is steam distilled from the seed and it is high in a-pinene (alpha pinene, b-pinene (beta pinene) and sabinine (also in black pepper oil); with many other constituents including camphene. We know that camphene (and other types of camphor molecules) are warming and stimulating constituents – and so is the oil of nutmeg.

The traditional uses of nutmeg include:

* to ease the symptoms of colds and flu

* as a tonic to warm the body

* as a treatment for all things digestive – to stimulate appetite, to treat nausea and vomiting and to generally stimulate the digestive fire

* as an anti-inflammatory agent especially in the treatment of arthritis and swelling of the joints

* to warm aching muscles and joints

The nutmeg spice is known as an hallucinogen due to a chemical constituent called elemecin, which Wikipedia claims is similar to the properties of mescaline. According to Salvatore Battaglia (an aromatherapist and author of a great book called “The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy”), this is lost in the distillation process and is not present in the oil.

Isn’t it interesting that the red mace covering of the seed looks like a brain – and that the seed can effect the brain, inspiring whacky mind visions!



I use this oil as a connection to spirit – as an awakening oil of the mind and the higher chakras. I find nutmeg oil to be expansive on all levels of our existence – the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual. And just the fact that it’s called “myristica”, I always think of this oil as an agent of attaining our mystical existence, and accessing our mystical guides. I use this oil when I need to connect to universal intelligence.

Try these recipes:

1. Pure Pulse Point Perfume

In a little dish mix these oils and anoint your pulse points or chakras – 3 drops of essential oils and dilute with a few drops of carrier oil – always patch test first!

“Sweet Release”

Allow divine guidance to enter your world

Nutmeg        2 drops * patch test first as nutmeg could be sensitising to the skin

Orange         1 drop


2. Scent Your Space

In a traditional oil burner with a candle or a diffuser add 25 drops of oil

“Intergalactic Love”

Reach out into the universe with love

Nutmeg        10 drops

Rosewood     8 drops

Mandarin       6 drops


Remember to use your intention when you are blending, it will add to the creation process and also be an exercise in using your intuition.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013