Your Essential Oil for the Lunar New Year of the RAT, 2020!

Yes, it’s a new year (almost)! How was your pig year? It seems to me there were a lot of people feeling pushed towards the end of the year, but sometimes that’s just life. The rat brings exciting times as the first animal in the Chinese Horoscope. The rat is smart, fast and engaging and has an attractive personality and an outgoing lifestyle. What does the Year of the Rat have in store for you?


Buy my 100% natural and organic botanical perfumes, and paperback book here:

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Rat – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

2020 is the year of the yang (male) metal rat.

Yay. I think? 

This year is connected to metal and water and could see an increase in those industries.

Money and finances for all signs could increase, but only with the will, planning, and determination. Luxury, opulence and shiny things are characteristics of the rat year too.

The rat year brings new opportunities and new experiences for the ones who jump on their lucky opportunities quickly.

Your Chinese Zodiac in the Year of the Rat


Rat – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: success, learning, discipline

Oil: rosemary


Ox – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: new work skills, adapability, be social

Oil: palmarosa


Tiger – picc via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: happy home life, curb impulsiveness, friends

Oil: rose


Rabbit – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: alertness, accept change, exercise

Oil: wintergreen


Dragon – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: initiative, career, chance

Oil: Ylang ylang


Snake – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: action, commitment, ideas

Oil: lemon myrtle


Horse – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: consultation, self care, work

Oil: Peru balsam


Goat- pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: creativity, openness, new connections

Oil: petitgrain


Monkey – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: fun, personal growth, success

Oil: coriander


Rooster – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: inner strength, care, pace yourself

Oil: Siberian fir


Dog – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: forward march, friendship, planning

Oil: cinnamon


Pig – pic via chinesehoroscopeonline

Keywords: go with the flow, expansion, health

Oil: Roman chamomile

So what is your oil this year and are you happy with my key words and oils?

I wish you a wonderful year and look forward to connecting with you about natural scent and essential oils in 2020!

恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái  Happiness and prosperity

Your Essential Oil for the Lunar New Year of the PIG!

Yes it’s a new year! Was 2018 a dog of a year for you?  It seemed to me that it was for a lot of people, and maybe that’s because it was Year of the Dog. The pig year will bring lots of fun things so please read on the find out which oil is  your power oil for 2019. Essential oils and botanical extracts are wonderful  conduits for invoking new energy, are helpers in everyday life and they smell  wonderful!


Buy my 100% natural and organic botanical perfumes, and paperback book here:

                     Digital downloads and paper backs of my book                              Revelation! Reveal your Destiny with Essentials Oils here:

Barnes & Noble      Booktopia AU      Amazon UK


2019 is the year of the yin (female) earth pig.

Yay. I think? 

This year is connected to the soil and the water and can be a year of relaxation  and carefreeness, but also climate instability.

Money and finances world wide could become less important or weak, as modesty and spirituality become more of a focus. 

As the last animal in the Chinese zodiac the pig likes to over-indulge but also realises the importance of a healthy body too.

Year of the Pig 2019

Keywords: review relationships, keep active, be generous, forgive, enjoy 

Oil: petitgrain

Your Chinese Zodiac in the Year of the Pig


Keywords: open up, new horizons, end of a era

Oil: bergamot


Keywords: resilience, sew seeds for the future, social

Oil: Virginian cedarwood


Keywords: flexibility, relaxed home life, surprises

Oil: cinnamon


Keywords: up-skill, peacefulness, lighten up

Oil: geranium


Keywords: rewards, release, hope

Oil: basil


Keywords: challenges, rest, acceptance

Oil: Australian sandalwood


Keywords: rejuvenate, prioritise, be creative

Oil: amber


Keywords: travel, parties, strength

Oil: neroli


Keywords: learning, consolidation, luck

Oil: myrrh


Keywords: strategy, destiny, synchronicity

Oil: lime


Keywords: opportunities, happiness, planning

Oil: black spruce

So what is your oil this year and are you happy with my little key words?

I wish you a wonderful year and look forward to connecting with you about natural scent and essential oils in 2019!

恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái  Happiness and prosperity


Hello natural beauties! Happy New Year. I’ve taken a few weeks off writing and I’ve been enjoying the Sydney summer.  I hope you’re going well wherever you are. What do you want more of this year? Which oils are for you? Read on my friends, to discover your perfect good luck oil for you this year.



Buy my 100% natural and organic botanical perfumes, and paperback book here:

Digital downloads of my book Revelation! Reveal your Destiny with Essentials Oils:

Barnes & Noble      Booktopia AU      Amazon UK




cinnamon – my own pic


Answer this:

In 2018 I’d like more:

  1. Love and compassion
  2. Clarity and Focus
  3. Happiness and Fun
  4. Spirituality and Manifestation
  5. Relaxation and Flow

Which did you choose? Maybe you want it all? I’m sure its possible to have everything!

Here are your oils:


Roses by me


Love and Compassion

rose, geranium, patchouli, ylang ylang, mandarin, jasmine, pine, peru balsam


Clarity and Focus

basil, black pepper, rosemary, peppermint, lemon, lemongrass, neroli, juniper



Happiness and Fun

spearmint, orange, cinnamon,rose geranium, bergamot, may chang


Spirituality and Manifestation

cypress, myrrh, Atlantic cedarwood, Australian sandalwood, nutmeg, petitgrain, Indian rosewood, black spruce


Caught on camera somewhere in Sydney


Relaxation and Flow

Lavender, Roman chamomile, marjoram, vetiver, lime, palmarosa, frankincense


And if you just cant decide – or you do want a bit of everything, choose one oil from each section and create the Amazing New You Blend!

Let me know your choices and your wonderful recipes!



Essential Oils and Numerology for 2017

Happy New Year natural beauties! I’m sending you good vibes for a great year where we can come together to create the new world we really want. Here are some essential oils for the numerology of 2017, followed by essential oils for your individual cycle year. Let’s go!



Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

Barnes & Noble      Booktopia AU      Amazon UK

and many other stores worldwide as an ebook and paperback






Ok people the numerology of this year, 2017, is 1.

1 is the number of new beginnings.

1 is the number of new ideas.

1 is the number of simplicity.

1 is the number of creation.

What do you want to create this year? Have a good think about over the next week or two and as Deepak Chopra says “plant the seeds” of your desires.

The challenge over the next year or two is to NOT dig up the seeds to see if they have starting sprouting. Trust the universe is at work, the seed is under the ground getting nutrients and multiplying cells, so in 2018 you may start to see the signs of your planting.

Don’t question “why hasn’t my desire been fulfilled? Why am I not seeing results?  Patience is required – trust and patience and a steadfast belief in your self!


plant your ideas and desires - then wait!

plant your ideas and desires – then wait!



The Oil Blend for 2107


Lemon – refresh and reload

– clean away the dribs and drabs from last year to start again fresh


Rose    – self nurturing and self-care, love

– open your heart to discover what your desires truly are


Frankincense  – the essence of truth

– look within and follow the truth of the universe which resides within you



numbers - which one are you this year?

numbers – which one are you this year?


What is your Cycle Year in Numerology for 2017?

Your personal cycle year will also have an effect on how you progress so it’s a matter of taking this into consideration first. Then incorporate the energy of the number 1,  our year of 2017.

Add your birth day, birth month and then 2017 to find your cycle year for 2017. Keep adding until you get a single number eg

21st June

2 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7

= 19

1 + 9

= 10

1 + 0

= 1

Your cycle year is a 1.

Your result will be from 1 to 9

Here are my oil recommendations for each cycle year in 2017.


1  Petitgrain – potentiality – plant new ideas

2  Patchouli  – peace, grounding – be patient and peaceful

3  Geranium – happiness, cheeriness – start to see things manifesting in your life

4  Lavender – solidarity – start forming solid foundations

5  Sandalwood – spirituality – balance of freedom and discipline

6  Basil – expansion – go forward and expand your mind and yourself

7 Bergamot – reap the fruits of your labour, be happy and relaxed

8 Cedarwood Virginian – enjoy the abundance all around you

Cypressconnect with the divine, release your past, enjoy the moment


Angel vibes

Angel vibes


Best wishes for a great year whatever you’re doing, whatever your cycle year is and above all go with peace. Spread good will. Help the world evolve.

We need you!

I’m sending angel vibes to everyone.

Remember to treat yourself first, then everyone will benefit.







New Year – New Energy – Which Essential Oils?

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

Amazon USA      Booktopia AU      Amazon UK

and many other stores worldwide as a Kindle and Paperback

New Year – New Energy – Which Essential Oils?



So here we are, 2015! It’s definitely the present but sounds like the future. It’s going to be a great year of fun, working together, and loving life. So which essential oils can we use to embellish our clean, crisp new year energy?

Hmmmmmmmm. I’m going to split this into 3 sections, with 3 oils in each:

1. Northern Hemisphere

2. Southern Hemisphere

3. Equatorial

It's winter for you

It’s winter for you

1. Northern Hemisphere

Brrrr it’s winter for you, so the oils that I’m sending to you are those which will be comforting, warming and loving.

Cinnamon – best to use this in the atmosphere rather than on your skin because it can really burn. It’s an oil of sweetness and loving what you do, and a spice that is loved by so many people. Used in herbal formulas the spice can help to increase metabolism and even help breakdown glucose in the blood a little bit faster; so it’s interesting that it’s often used in baking. This is a wonderful oil to use in your space to invite a new depth of your place in this world – your dharma. What is your true purpose?

Rosemary – warm up your feet and entire body with an oil blend made with rosemary oil. It is also the oil of remembering and there’s no better time than in winter to remember the good times, while you’re tucked away from the cold. It is a stimulating and refreshing oil and inspires us to look at the beautiful flow of abundance in our lives. Be grateful for what you have NOW, and energetically create your new plans.

Cedarwood Virginian – dissolve the barriers from last year to start the new year with a clean slate. This comforting oil can be used in body blends so well and is also great for soothing coughs and colds. This is also a wonderful oil to help with the answers to your questions of purpose in life. For you this winter, starting 2015, we need you to be absolutely committed to your spiritual and human purpose. This is evolution.


I took this pic the other day

I took this pic the other day

2. Southern Hemisphere

Yay it’s summer for us! Beach, gin and tonics, beach, swimming, really hot, beach.It’s our turn to celebrate and be out in the sun (with sunscreen on). We can relax and enjoy life. No need to think about the future too much – just be present.

Geranium – happiness and cheeriness. Perfect for a body oil blend or in a space scenting blend this floral oil of happiness reminds us we can feel good about life and enjoy every minute. It emanates colour, fun and joy – so be happy!

Vetiver – the oil of tranquility and abundance this oil is great to use to help remove heat from the body and to cool us down in the humid summer evenings. This very strong oil should be used sparingly and 1 drop around the body is enough. A couple of drops on a wet cloth, placed in front of a fan or a window can scent the entire house with the cool, earthy tones to help slip into a vibration of peacefulness and trusting.

Basil – expansive and refreshing basil oil will help open our minds to the wonderful opportunities for 2015. Basil oil can help strengthen our affirmations and resolutions for 2015 and will give us confidence. Whiff straight from the bottle or add to a space scenting blend to connect to universal intelligence.


The Equator - pic via

The Equator – pic via

3. Equatorial

You’re in the middle and hold us together. Whether you’re north or south of this mid line, it’s a bit milder and the seasons are not necessarily as pronounced. Your new year is one of balance and happiness where you can look forward to a 2015 full of laughter and warmth. Your oils are those which can add both introspection and celebration to your new year.

Sandalwood Indian – a classic oil for spirituality this oil gives deep meaning to the times when you can take a moment to look within. It can help raise your energetic vibration from the base of your spine right up to your crown chakra and can help you move through any thing holding you back from 2014. Perfect just to whiff straight from the bottle.

Lavender – solidarity and strength, lavender can be the one oil that can bring your thoughts, feelings and actions together. Lavender can be used for just about any issues whether physical, mental or spiritual. Perfect for a body blend lavender will nourish your skin and your soul.

Bergamot – happiness and bringing a sense of calm, bergamot is a beautiful oil to help you see the possibilities for this year. Remove any anxiety you may have about the future and just breathe! Mix a couple of drops with some carrier oil and anoint your wrists and heart to lift anything that could be holding you back.

For another new year article check this out: 2015! The Universal Number of 8! and also stay tuned for my Chinese Year of the Goat post in mid February.

Happy blending and remember to use your intention when you are creating your formulas. See my article about intention.

copryright SR Banks 2014


New Year – New Moon – Oooooooo powerful!

The new moon - pic via

The new moon – pic via

The new year is upon us – well actually it’s just the linear, calendar kind of new year but this year it’s special. It is special because on January 1st 2014 we have a new moon. It really kicks off the year perfectly as we move into a universal vibrational year of 7. I’ll be writing about that next week.

The new moon (you guessed it), is about new beginnings and planning for the future, and the future is NOW! Sometimes described as quite magical, the new moon gives is some space to momentarily step back from our lives and observe. Meditating with the new moon is powerful because it allows us to connect with the rhythm of the universe and by doing this we can slip into the gap of pure potentiality.

The new moon can stimulate us to –

* think about who we are as a person

* connect to the emotions of our life

* go beyond our personalities and be brave to ask ourselves the important questions

* why am I here?

* what is my purpose?

* how may I serve?

* how can I evolve?

* what do I want to create?

* what can I release?


Just asking the questions can shift your awareness and consciousness immediately. You don’t need to know the answers straight away, only be willing to ask the questions.

? sneakily borrowed from

? – pic via


this is a ‘supermoon” in Capricorn. According to;

“The term supermoon didn’t come from astronomy. We used to call them perigee… ‘near Earth.’ An astrologer, Richard Nolle, is credited with coining the term supermoon.


He defines them as:
. . . a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth.


“By this definition, a new moon or full moon has to come within 361,863 kilometers (224,851 miles) of our planet, as measured from the centers of the moon and Earth, in order to be a supermoon.”


So the energy of this moon is very close to us, almost imploring us to look within.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn - pic via

The zodiac sign of Capricorn – pic via

From what I can gather this new moon is as much about letting go of old stuck energy before planting the new seeds. As Capricorn is quite methodical and systematic, it’s about being methodical and systematic about purging all the crap. Maybe this is why I’ve spent the last couple of days cleaning and tidying my house, shredding old papers, doing all the washing and meditating. See my last article about cleansing your space here. Once all that’s been taken care of it’s now time to put yourself in a place of quite contemplation to plant the seeds of your new life.

Here’s some essential oils to help you:

Take a huge whiff to change your focus in seconds

Take a huge whiff to change your focus in seconds

Open The Bottle and Take a Huge Whiff

Let’s cut straight to the chase and just have a huge whiff straight from the bottle as it can help you change your focus and emotion easily. See my article about changing your focus here.

Frankincense – take deep slow breaths, meditation, contemplation, serenity

Petitgrain – potentiality, new beginnings

Juniper – release unwanted emotions

Fennel – be kind to yourself as you detox

Sandalwood (Australian or Indian) – deep connection to your soul

Clary Sage – dare to dream, open crown chakra

Lemon – refresh, reload

My dear friends it is time to evolve. We are being summoned to take great steps on behalf of Earth and her inhabitants to move to higher consciousness as a group. It is in  your every day life where this evolution takes place so please be mindful about what you are creating.

Thank you.

copyright suzannerbanks 2013




I’ve Got a New Attitude



New Year.

New vibe.

New attitude.

Just listen to Patti LaBelle she’ll give you a buzz …….

So how can we create a feeling of newness and inspiration at the beginning of the New Year and the new world age? Use essential oils of course!

The easiest way, is to have a steam with a few drops of essential oil in the shower. You can refer to my previous blog “Meet Me in the Shower”  for some tips on how to treat yourself holistically with essential oils.

Here a few oils to use to entice a feeling of newness, inspiration and rejuvenation:

petitgrain (citrus aurantium v amara)

petitgrain (citrus aurantium v amara)


This is one of my favourite oils with it’s green slightly spicy, citrus scent. Unlike lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime and mandarin, the essential oil of petitgrain is distilled from the twigs, buds and leaves from the plant. The other citrus oils come from the rind of the fruit. It is a beautiful oil to use to freshen your senses and open your mind to possibilities. Use a few drops of petitgrain in your morning shower to allow the wonder of the universe to enfold you. An oil of the “bigger picture”, it will also help relieve stress and tension.


lemon (citrus limonum)


You can’t deny the loveliness of lemons! Well you can if you want to but it’s difficult because they are so versatile. See my article “The Loveliness of Lemons”  for more info.

Lemons are light, sparkly and colourful. If you like those attributes try a few drops in your shower or make a mist with lemon essential oil to carry with you for an instantaneous burst of sunshine and newness. Lemons are all about cleansing your aura or space with happiness and feeling of clearing the slate and starting again. Give your kitchen benches the once over with some lemon rind if you don’t have any oil. You can always squeeze the rind into a bath to bathe in the fragrance of lemons too!

palmarosa - Cymbopogon martinii

palmarosa – Cymbopogon martinii


This oil is under-rated and under-used. It does have flora,l rosey undertones but is mostly quite a green scent – even a little peppery and tangy. It is used in perfumery and aromatherapy to boost a rose scent without the expense. As you can see it’s a grass and when I employ palmarosa in my practice with a client, I’m often drawn to it because of its flexible nature. Flexibilty is a great quality to have when you wish to create a new attitude, a new thing, a new job or even a new thought process.

Go ahead and create your new attitude with the scent of nature.

Remember to treat yourself first, and everyone will benefit.

Remember to use your intention when you use your essential oils. This is just holding a thought and energy about what you want to create as you are scenting your space, doing an energetic cleanse or steaming in the shower

Happy New Year!